Visit from the VDMA to Lock4Safe GmbH
We recently received a visit from Thomas Schiemann ( right) from VDMA and Falko Adomat (left) from ECBS.
We discussed future topics for the VDMA Security Systems Association with both visitors.
Another topic was the increasing blurring of boundaries in security and alarm technology. A good example of this is the MySafe safe locking system, which combines a certified safe lock with a remotely monitored alarm component. Lock4Safe played a key role in the development of the system. The photo was taken when Ludwig Kersten (center) explained how the components of MySafe work together.
Safes in banks and Locks in Retail stores have very different requirements. However, this is not taken into account at all in the current standards. Lock4Safe GmbH produced an information brochure on this last year, which was presented to the two guests.
We would like to thank VDMA and ECBS for the constructive exchange.