Locks for pickup stations

Electronic locks with certified mechanics. Locks for pickup stations, ATMs, vending machines …

Versatile electronic locks, with DigiCom locks even featuring certified mechanics: Our locks for pick-up stations offer solutions for a wide range of applications, including vending machines, ATMs, cash recyclers and click & collect stations.

There are no limits to your imagination when integrating these electronic locks, regardless of whether they are used in self-checkout systems, vending machines or car-sharing systems: You decide how the locking and opening functions should be performed. Thanks to their interface, these locks offer a seamless connection to the electronics already installed in your developed system to enable convenient opening options directly via the existing code-entry options, such as keypads.

Our technologies are flexible and versatile. Create your own processes and develop your own pick-up stations, self-service systems and vending machines according to your specific requirements. Or simply implement your customers’ ideas by jointly determining which (digital) options can be used to open the locks (e.g. Apps). Benefit from the reliability and efficiency of these electronic locks.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to help and advise you as usual. Do you need support or advice on programming your software interface to the lock? Get in touch with us! Further application options and information on our safe locks can be found directly below on the respective product pages.

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DigiCom locks with serial communication ports

For flexible integration. Ideal for manufacturers of individual valuables container. VdS-certified lock mechanics and control via your apps or entry units offer maximum security and user-friendliness according to your requirements. (find out more here)

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DirectActivation locks

Simple activation via electronic signals, ideal for developers of security and individual valuables container systems. No stored codes, direct activation via external power source. Perfect for integrated system electronics and reliable security solutions without complicated code management. (find out more here)