Tecnosicurezza changes connectors on the 4-wire cable
For decades, our customers have been used to the black L-plug (Molex) as a connection between the entry unit and the lock housing. These plugs were first introduced at La Gard along with the Combogard lock. They are robust, but have one major disadvantage: When plugged in, the cable end with the plug protrudes up to 4 cm from the lock housing.
Because safes and boltworks are becoming more and more compact, there is often simply not enough space to make the connection in such a way that the cables do not have to be bent or twisted.
At the same time, safes and boltworks are becoming more and more compact.
Tecnosicurezza has reacted to this and is now using Pico-Spox connectors to connect the lock to the associated keyboard. The small white plugs make it easy to tell the difference.
In the transitional period it may happen that older, existing locks do not match the plugs of new input units and vice versa. In this case, there is the option of either replacing the connection cable from the input or using an adapter (splitter) that features both types of connections.
In the “Installation” section of our catalog, you will find suitable splitters and corresponding replacement cables.
The easiest way, however, is to specify which connector is required when ordering individual input units. When ordering sets (input and lock) we naturally make sure that the sets fit together.